Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So I'm horrible at self-portraits, partially because I'm super bad at self-timing but this is the best I have. I think that's what I look like when I'm thinking or zoning out in my own little world.

I really liked this photo because the mud from the mudwrestling became a sort of camouflage. The only issue was that I had to sort of fade out the back so that he was the focus of the photo and the bright white of the top of the building and the sky were really hard to deal with, everything I did seemed to make them brighter so I added more trees to the sky to kind of minimize the brightness. I also tried to add another tree...you can kind of tell tho, I think it looks a bit odd. I can't tell if it makes the white better?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm pretty much a bum a lot of the time and there's nothing that I enjoy more than just hanging out with people that make me happy. In this picture even though my hair is a mess, I have no make up on and am wearing a hoodie I think my happiness still shines through in a sort of pretty way.
It was the most beautiful day and my boyfriend just looked so relaxed and carefree. I also really like the lines in the hammock i think they kinda create a cool texture.

Monday, September 14, 2009

This one I thought was funny because of the article about light and whatnot, the rest of the picture is out of focus so it's not even close to good. I thought this building looked really out of place because it was so much shorter than the ones around it. Plus it was kind of lit up in it's own little world. I really have trouble holding my hands still.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I cant decide whether or not I like the railing in it, it kind of sticks out but on the other hand the picture loses the appearance of height without it.
this is the original of the one I wanted, I was uploading from home and forgot that I didn't have it saved other than at school...oops

I liked the layers and contrast, and the way the light hits the buildings.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

This is my inside shot, I used the copy setting with a flash. It was late afternoon so the sun slanted in a pretty cool way. I really liked that I could see the detail of the screen and the contrast between what is behind the screen and the orchid in front of the screen. I also liked the motion of the curtain.

Setting Testing

I used the Landscape setting, the flowers didn't turn out as sharp as I would have liked but this setting showed the most dimensions over a distance.